On Wings Like A Dove

On Wings Like A Dove is a Christ-centered ministry for the loved ones of prodigals and prisoners.

We provide tools and resources to encourage families, prodigals, and prisoners to walk in the light and not the darkness.

Our Mission:

  • To provide guidance and emotional support to the families of prodigals and prisoners; 
    We provide biblical guidance and emotional support to the families of prodigals and prisoners. Moreover, we are called to love and pray for those who have chosen to wander from God’s purpose and plan for their lives, in  particular for them to find salvation, reconciliation, and restoration through His Son, Jesus.
  • To love those who have chosen to wander from God’s purpose and plan for their lives; 
    Through the power of God’s Word and intercessory prayer, we empower families to experience the same unconditional love and forgiveness the Father shows the Prodigal in bringing reconciliation and restoration to the family.  We encourage families to stand in the gap through prayer for their prodigal. Ultimately, our hope is that one day they will come back home to the Heavenly Father’s open arms.
  • To pray for them to find salvation, reconciliation, and restoration through His Son, Jesus Christ;
    We desire to see the lives of those we minister to changed and encouraged by the power of the Holy Spirit as He ministers through us to comfort the brokenhearted and restore the crushed in spirit.
Wings Like A Dove
On Wings Like A Dove
is located in beautiful historic Old Salem: 

455 S. Church St.
Winston Salem, NC 27101
Phone: (336) 829-5060

Office Days and Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:00 am – 2:00 pm